
Logout extends Action
in package

Core implementation of ADIOS Action

'Action' is fundamendal class for generating HTML content of each ADIOS call. Actions can be rendered using Twig template or using custom render() method.

Table of Contents

$cliSAPIEnabled  : mixed
If set to FALSE, the action will not be rendered in CLI
$hideDefaultDesktop  : mixed
If set to TRUE, the default ADIOS desktop will not be added to the rendered content
$languageDictionary  : mixed
Language dictionary for strings used in the action's output
$requiresUserAuthentication  : mixed
If set to FALSE, the rendered content of action is available to public
$webSAPIEnabled  : mixed
If set to FALSE, the action will not be rendered in WEB
$adios  : mixed
Reference to ADIOS object
$gtp  : mixed
Shorthand for "global table prefix"
$params  : mixed
Array of parameters (arguments) passed to the action
__construct()  : mixed
init()  : mixed
overrideConfig()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to change ADIOS configuration before calling preRender()
preRender()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Used to return values for TWIG renderer. Applies only in TWIG template of the action.
render()  : string
Renderer of the action's content. Can be completely overriden without use of Twig.
translate()  : string
Shorthand for ADIOS core translate() function. Uses own language dictionary.



If set to FALSE, the action will not be rendered in CLI

public static mixed $cliSAPIEnabled = TRUE


If set to TRUE, the default ADIOS desktop will not be added to the rendered content

public static mixed $hideDefaultDesktop = FALSE


Language dictionary for strings used in the action's output

public mixed $languageDictionary


If set to FALSE, the rendered content of action is available to public

public static mixed $requiresUserAuthentication = TRUE


If set to FALSE, the action will not be rendered in WEB

public static mixed $webSAPIEnabled = TRUE


Reference to ADIOS object

protected mixed $adios


Shorthand for "global table prefix"

protected mixed $gtp = ""


Array of parameters (arguments) passed to the action

protected mixed $params



public __construct(mixed &$adios[, mixed $params = [] ]) : mixed
$adios : mixed
$params : mixed = []
Return values


public init() : mixed
Return values


Used to change ADIOS configuration before calling preRender()

public static overrideConfig(array<string|int, mixed> $config) : array<string|int, mixed>
$config : array<string|int, mixed>

Current ADIOS configuration

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Changed ADIOS configuration


Used to return values for TWIG renderer. Applies only in TWIG template of the action.

public preRender() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Values for action's TWIG template


Renderer of the action's content. Can be completely overriden without use of Twig.

public render() : string
Return values

Rendered HTML content of the action.


Shorthand for ADIOS core translate() function. Uses own language dictionary.

public translate(string $string[, string $context = "" ][, string $toLanguage = "" ]) : string
$string : string

String to be translated

$context : string = ""

Context where the string is used

$toLanguage : string = ""

Output language

Return values

Translated string.

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